Adobe Meadow 2024 Fall Picnic - Upcoming!

All residents in the Adobe Meadow neighborhood are welcome!

Sunday, October 20th, 12 Noon to 2PM

Ramos Park, on East Meadow

Adobe Meadow 2023 Fall Picnic — Photos!

Saturday, August 27, 2023, Fall Picnic, at Ramos Park, on East Meadow

Adobe Meadows Emergency Service Volunteers

Adobe Meadow 2022 Fall Picnic

Saturday, August 28, 2022, Fall Picnic, at Ramos Park

Adobe Meadow 2021 Fall Picnic

Sunday, October 30, 2021, Fall Picnic. Neighborhood Directories were distributed.

Adobe Meadow 2019 Fall Picnic

October 20, 2019
Adobe Meadow Neighborhood Association Fall Picnic, 12–3pm Ramos Park
Lunch and drinks prepared by The Market at Edgewood. Updated Neighborhood Directories distributed.

Adobe Meadow 2019 Spring Picnic

May 11, 2019
Adobe Meadow Neighborhood Association Spring Picnic, 12–3pm Ramos Park
Lunch and drinks prepared by The Market at Edgewood. Updated Neighborhood Directories distributed.

Adobe Meadow 2018 Fall Picnic

September 16, 2018
Adobe Meadow Neighborhood Association Fall Picnic, 12–3pm Ramos Park
Lunch and drinks prepared by The Market at Edgewood. N95 masks distributed and emergency supplies raffled off.

Adobe Meadow 2017 Fall Picnic

October 22, 2017
Adobe Meadow Neighborhood Association Fall Picnic, 12–3pm Ramos Park
Please bring a dish to share, enough for 10 people. Drinks and hamburgers provided.